Kapil respond to Mukhesh Khanna

Kapil Sharma finally replied Shaktiman actor Mukesh Khanna’s extremely harsh viral comment. A couple of weeks ago, the Mahabharat Special Show Mahabharat, which brought together a number of B.R cast members, was hosted by Kapil Sharm. The Mahabharat of Chopra. Fans were shocked by the remarkable absence of actor Mukesh Khanna, which tested Pitamah Bheeshma ‘s role in the television show.

Mukesh Khanna said he had been invited to The Kapil Sharma Show, but decided not to participate as the show is too vulgar and double-significant for him in a post he made on Instagram a few days later. He also criticised the manner in which males played an obscene dialogue in the show.

My team and I work hard to make people smile at this pandemic’s critical point. When a hard time goes by the whole world, it is critical that people’s faces have a smile, Kapil replied.