Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal jetted off with their friends to an undisclosed destination down South. The couple who got married in January this year has been often seen spending quality time together. Be it going out on lunches, dinners or holidays, Varun and Natasha keep their spark alive by always doing interesting things together. Varun shared pictures and videos from his holiday with Natasha and made his fans super eager to know where they were.
However, today we snapped the couple as they arrived back in Mumbai. Natasha and Varun arrived back in the city dressed casually but looking oh-so-chic. While Varun stopped and obliged his fans with some selfies, Natasha was seen sweetly waiting for him to get done. Check out the pictures below.Â
Varun Dhawan, Natasha Dalal
Varun Dhawan, Natasha Dalal
Varun Dhawan, Natasha Dalal
Varun Dhawan, Natasha Dalal
Varun Dhawan
Varun Dhawan, Natasha Dalal
Varun Dhawan, Natasha Dalal
Natasha Dalal
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