Kareena Kapoor Khan who just gave birth to a baby boy in February has been extremely careful about the COVID-19 situation, so much so that she’s maintained a far distance from the paps and doesn’t take off her mask even for pictures. The actress has been clicked visiting her sister, Karisma Kapoor’s residence and her friend, Amrita Arora’s house but she just leaves the car, waves to the paps for a few seconds and then rushes inside. Now, with Maharashtra battling the second wave of COVID-19, the actress has one simple message for her fans – wear your mask. In a picture shared on her Instagram feed, Bebo can be seen wearing a T-shirt that has the word ‘propaganda’ written across it and she’s also seen wearing a black mask.
“No propaganda, just wear your mask,” she captioned the picture. Many celebs have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past few weeks ranging from Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Ranbir Kapoor, Kartik Aaryan, Alia Bhatt to Bhumi Pednekar and Vicky Kaushal.
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