Hope the video is released on IGTV with a convincing message to stay at home during this pandemic situation. Starting a welcome message with former Indian Cricketer Surinder Khanna the video concluded with the eminent note from Bollywood actor Shabaz Khan.
The video is a collective message from many actors, influencers and sports personalities like Sony Mann, Jannabi Das, Shabaz Khan, Vipul Narigara, Surinder Khanna, Shah sisters, Shailendra Srivastava, Kamran Alam, Raksha Jha and more.
The video is produced by filmland productions and written by Puneet. Jannabi das – Indian Idol 2020 singer shared on Instagram, Apno ki appeal apno k liye!! This is not film, not a song, it’s an appeal from us to you. Thank you everyone.