Cricketer Reeshant Singh insists the people to go carbon neutral by reducing their emissions

Cricketer Reeshant Singh insists the people to go carbon neutral by reducing their emissions

Reeshant is a young cricketer and the valiant brand ambassador for France but more than that he is an Environmentalist, who is always ready to do his bit for the environment and the nature.

Currently the world is in chaos with the health and economical crisis but the biggest crisis of all is the climate change that we are neglecting at the moment said Reeshant by trying to draw the attention of the people.

Increase in the carbon footprints of the people is the biggest problem that we are facing at the moment, last year 69% carbon was left in the atmosphere because we don’t have enough trees to absorb it said Reeshant when we asked him the biggest reason for the climate change.

Now talking about the solution, French brand ambassador Reeshant Says that it is easily possible if we reduce our carbon footprints and produce zero waste and the way to do it is very simple- less pollution, more plant based diet, less use of plastic and reforestation.

Well that is not that difficult but we don’t want to change our habits. we were created by the god to look after this planet and not to destroy it. Let’s change our habits and become more nature friendly this year.